Old projects

Through the years I have developed numerous prototypes. Here you can find links to some of my favourites.

Pillar Table
Artemis VS Apollo
3D model to point cloud converter
Special Camera for High FOV
Blind Spot Viz
Planet Jump Sim
Three Body Problem Sim
Jimny Colour Picker
WebXR Exposure Therapy
Speech Intensity
Zen Build
Type Writer - Python App
AR Container Houses Web App
AR Plants app
Parliament gender distribution web app
XR app to explore MRI data
Football AR app prototype
Weather app for Transparent Screen
7 Countries - Neural Net Style Transfer - 4K
Kinect point cloud To HoloLens
PC to HoloLens streaming - Flocking
HoloLens - Prototype - Weeping Angel from Doctor Who
AR Football Prototype
Math effects - A project a day for a week
Lenovo Mirage Solo MRI viewer
Remote controlled face made in Unity for an Arduino based robot
Gaze-contingent Depth of Field for Video Games
ARm prototype
Car garage
HoloLens - Prototype - Map from The Division
Crimson Lights - early development build
Iron Man Simulator
Project Foundation - Gameplay Trailer
AR Container Houses Web App
BSc - Final year project - Physics Engine Evaluation
Augmented Reality Demo
Halt and Catch Fire Opening Sequence Gamified
Realism study
Car Realism study
What if we can use our sound waves to see ?
Robotic hand control
Mountain Bike Prototype
Unity batmobile Tumbler prototype
Blob game prototype
Spaceship thrusters system
Pirate ship prototype: Buoyancy, cannons, cloth sails and wind